Individual therapy is the most common form of mental health therapy. It is sometimes referred to as psychotherapy, mental health counseling, individual counseling, or individual therapy. All these terms are different ways of referring to a private, 1-on-1 mental health therapy.
At The Pragmatic Therapist(s), we help people unpack and heal from mental health burdens. We consider ourselves healers because our goal is to address the root cause that brought you to therapy. This way, you are not dealing or coping with mental health issues but instead healing from the situations that lead to the problem in the first place. We use a combination of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and IFS (Internal Family Systems) therapy and are experts in these areas. While we do talk therapy as well, we believe the overall goal of therapy is to heal root causes. Talk therapy can address some surface issues, but it is generally not as good at addressing root causes as EMDR or IFS.
All our offices have been designed with acoustic drywall and noise machines, so your session is confidential, cozy, and private. Each one of our therapists is, or has been a client of the type of therapy they themselves practice. Though we might not share the same issue as you do, we have been a client and understand what its like to be in therapy as a clinician and as a client.
Picking the right mental health therapist is much harder than you might think! A quick search on Psychology Today and you will quickly be introduced to dozens and dozens of mental health therapists with a variety of qualifications. While I truly believe EMDR and IFS are the two most effective and healing therapies, the one thing that determines success above all else is your relationship with your therapist. You should get an idea rather quickly, within a few sessions, if you are clicking with your therapist. You will want to sort out the difference between therapy being awkward and difficult and your relationship with your therapist being awkward and difficult and let that help guide your decision. Do not stick with a therapist that you are not clicking with and you might want to check out my post about how to get the most out of therapy, which covers picking a therapist with more depth. Your therapist might offer a free consultation so you can get to know their personality and style before deciding to work with them. Not all therapists will offer a free consultation, but if they do, be sure to take advantage of it!
Making the decision to start therapy is the hard part. Contact and scheduling with us is the easy part! If you are ready to hit the ground running, contact us using the form below and note if you are ready to schedule an appointment or if you would like a free consultation. We will contact you within 24 business hours, its that easy!